Tuesday 14 June 2011

Starter Master page and Wiki Pages with version control.

So we have been using a branded SP2010 site based on Randy Drisgill's Starter Master page and this has been in place for the past few months.

But - with one site in particular, I was receiving the most unusual prompt after editing a Wiki page.  The library didn't require check-in/out, but did have major versioning turned on.

On saving the user was prompted by "You must specify a value for the required field". Short and sweet - but not very helpful.
After some research, I found reference to a great blog post by Sanna Pehkonen (thank you!) who noted an issue with the way the PlaceHolderPageTitleInTitleArea tag was hidden. Sanna suggests hiding the PlaceHolderPageTitleInTitleArea with CSS rather than through a visable="False" attribute.

Style sheet

   display: none;

 master page
<!-- ===== Hidden Placeholders ========================== -->
<asp:Panel cssclass="hiddenpanel" runat="server">

this worked a treat!